Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Money doesn't always bring Happiness....

So brycie and I moved into our apartment about 2 weeks ago, and I LOVE it! We were able to find a two bedroom, two bath for a reasonable price so we jumped on the opportunity! I guess I had taken for granted how nice it is to not have to put all of your clothes on right after you get out of bed in the mornings.. Now I can eat breakfast in my skivies :) :)

We are definitley not rich by any means, but we are most definitely happy!!

(sorry for the short post, I just figured the more I do this, the more I can get into a routine of meaningful posts :))


Anonymous said...

Glad you got your own place! It is sweet freedom when you have a place to call yours! ;)

shari said...
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shari said...

please don't tell my husband that money doesn't always bring happiness. haha! Congratulations on your new place.